
Historic Mines in Quebec, Canada

A rich history of natural resource development

Canada, and Quebec specifically, has a long history of mining. From common minerals like Gold and Silver, to the minerals needed to decarbonize the global economy, like Nickel, Lithium, and Copper, Quebec has a diverse and developed mining industry. The first industrial mines were developed in the 1840’s and today there are more than 20 active mines in Quebec. One key impact of many types of mining, is the mineral waste left behind after valuable elements are extracted. There are billions of tonnes of mine waste stored in permanent facilities in Quebec alone.

Untapped Potential

From Liability to Opportunity

Quebec’s Mineral waste contains critical and strategic elements, like Nickel, and Magnesium which, if extracted could be used to manufacture goods without the need for new mining. At the same time, the re-processing of mineral waste can reduce the footprint of historic mine infrastructure, like tailings facilities.  

  • Flower
  • mountain-boat
  • forest-sun
  • forest-path
  • forest-shine

Our Goals

Transforming historic mineral waste into a climate and circular economy solution

The primary goal of our project is to revolutionize the fight against climate change by providing an innovative solution for converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into stable and environmentally beneficial carbonate minerals. Through cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships, we aim to capture CO2 emissions from both industrial sources and the atmosphere and store them permanently as carbonate minerals in historic mine infrastructure, like open pits. At the same time, non carbonate minerals are processed to extract other minerals, including Nickel, for use in as part of the circular economy. Together with our partners and stakeholders, we strive to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future, where carbon mineralization plays a pivotal role in creating a sustainable and resilient planet for current and future generations. 

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